Garden Design Path …

Initial visit and consultation During the first visit I will talk through all your requirements so that I can set out a brief and an outline of the design. Having done this, I will supply you with a fee proposal for the first stage of the design work.

Analysis and Site Survey  An accurate survey of the existing garden will be needed before any design work can be begun. This will indicate boundaries, existing planting and other elements relative to the site. A land surveyor may be required.

Concept Plan At this point, I will produce a design including concept visuals to give an indication of how the finished garden will look. These visuals will enable me to discuss with you my ideas and also enable you to make any amendments.

Layout plan and specifications  The layout plan will include any changes we have agreed and this document can be presented to a landscape contractor for costing purposes and will enable the layout and build of the garden. Also included will be the specification details.

Planting Plan This will show the locations of all the plants within the design along with the existing planting. A schedule will list the names, sizes and quantities and be used to cost, order and for the setting out of the plants.  


Analysis and Survey


Concept Visual


Concept Visual